Head Teacher’s letter from St Margaret’s School

School hopes all St Margaret’s parishioners are safe, well and flourishing in 2023. School’s PTA have been very busy, purchasing bike and scooter racks. Money raised from the very successful Christmas Fair, “Christmas Markets at St Margaret’s” helped pay for this and is part of the first phase of developing our outdoor area. This will certainly promote more of a healthy lifestyle for the children and in addition it will be helping the environment reducing the number of children who travel to school in cars.

Our marvellous and supportive PTA, have also provided funds to renovate our outside reflection hut. It will be painted ‘sage’ and the Perspex will help revitalise the look. All children will be able to use this, supporting their wellbeing and having their own quiet and reflective time. I will send photos when this has been completed – just need some dry weather!

On Wednesday 8th February, we were fortunate to have a disabled athlete, Sean Gaffney, come into school showcasing sport and fitness. He has successfully competed at the Invictus games. The aim of the event was to inspire children to be more physically active, but just as importantly, encourage them to discover and pursue their passion in life and to always follow your dreams, overcoming any obstacles that may get in their way.

The world map in our school hall has been changed, showcasing our diverse and wonderful global community. We have children and their families attending St Margaret’s who are from all over the world; Brazil, Pakistan, Poland, and Jamaica to name a few. In our entrance hall we have signs displaying ‘welcome’ in all the languages for all our global community.

We hope you are looking forward to spring as much as school is, with the vibrant and beautiful colours of nature flourishing and seeing everyone ‘Live Life in all its fullness.’

Finally, keep safe and take care of yourselves and your families. I would like to leave you with a scripture from the bible which resonates with so many of our school community ‘Above all love each other deeply.’ (1 Peter 4:8)

Mr Longworth


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