Our APCM was held on Sunday 28 April, with many reports presented to the meeting. Here is the PCC Secretary’s report for 2023:

Once again it has been quite a challenging year for the PCC members. There have been 8 full PCC meetings during the year, where we have had to discuss a variety of issues that have arisen. Also there has been 3 extra special meetings when we have had urgent matters to discuss or had to make a quick decision. This was the case when we needed to approve an electrician’s quote for the urgent work needed at the Lady Wilton Hall and how we should fund it.

In October we me with Archdeacon Rachel Mann as she outlined a plan to provide Stipendiary Ministry at St Margaret’s and St George’s. It was proposed that Canon Steve Williams would apply for the post as well as remaining the priest at St Gabriel’s. The PCC voted on the proposal to have Rev. Steve Williams as our preferred candidate.

The QI inspection was made at St Margaret’s and St George’s churches in early June. Both churches needed inspections of the roofs. St Margaret’s had problems with the South east vestry and Columbarium roof. St. George’s needed gutters cleaned as well as other minor repairs. The PCC have had to obtain quotes and apply for grants to help with these costly jobs.

The PCC also voiced their concern over a mast at the corner of Carver Avenue and we were pleased to learn that they were reconsidering the location of the mast.

Rev Helen joined the PCC for our September meeting and we are grateful that once again we can conduct our Standing committee meetings in the vicarage. The PCC also gave their continued support for Carol Olive’s ALM ministry.

I would like the thank the PCC members for the devotion to their duties and the especially our wardens both at St Margaret’s and St Georges as well as our Ministry team for all their hard work during what has been once again a challenging year.

Joan Evans

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