Trinity Sunday Reflection

Think, for a moment, when someone significant in your life was born – maybe your first child or your first brother or sister, your first grandchild or your first niece or nephew.
The day after my first child was born, I remember the moment I presented myself to the hospital maternity ward, and had to press the buzzer for the intercom to ask to be let in. 
For the first time in my life, I said, “I’m Nicholas’s father.”
And I knew from that moment on, into eternity, that was who I would now be … More Trinity Sunday Reflection

Pentecost at St George’s 2024

There was once a mirror-maker whose greatest desire was to create a mirror that would reflect his image perfectly. He experimented with different materials, tin, silver, mercury, crystal rock, and after weeks of hard work, he finally perfected the formula for a wonderfully accurate looking glass in which he could see a clear reflection of himself. One night an envious neighbour broke into the workshop, took his mirror and threw it on the floor … More Pentecost at St George’s 2024

Pentecost 2024

How do you get up in the morning? 
I used to get up at 4.30 on a Sunday morning to get into a local radio station for 5.30, ready to present a religious breakfast show that I was also responsible for producing.  I did this for eight years.  So it was important for me to have an early waking-up routine:  something I could rely upon when I was drowsy and bleary-eyed … More Pentecost 2024

The Holy Spirit

The person speaking is Peter and he is explaining to the Jews in Antioch why he has been in the house of a Roman centurion called Cornelius, a Gentile.  Peter is eager to explain how he himself was surprised to find himself asked to go to Cornelius in Caesarea and at the beginning of the chapter Peter explains a dream that he and Cornelius have.  If you are not familiar with it, I encourage you to read it … More The Holy Spirit

Build Your Kingdom Here – Rend Collective

Tom and I are always open to suggestions of music – instrumental or vocal, hymns or anthems – that could be incorporated into our services at St Margaret’s. Sometimes, the suggestions are not seasonally appropriate, so they have to wait until later in the year. Sometimes they aren’t suitable for our singers and instruments. Sometimes the suggestions simply aren’t theologically or liturgically sound, so we just can’t use them. Sometimes though, they’re just right … More Build Your Kingdom Here – Rend Collective

Wind and Fire

The Holy Spirit came upon the apostles like the rush of a violent wind, with tongues of fire dancing on their heads; people from all nations heard the apostles speaking in their own language, and some 3,000 responded by being baptized into Christ. Wow! What a sight to see! … More Wind and Fire