April letter to the parish

Dear Friends
We are now in Lent a time of change in our lives, as you read this letter Holy Week will have begun, also a time of great change in our Church; of suffering but also of new life; new adventures; new ways of worshipping Christ in our churches and communities. Times change, we cannot stay the same, we need to move on in our lives and particularly in Church in this time of interregnum and uncertainty … More April letter to the parish

When is a ‘Performance’ not a ‘Performance’?

Regular readers will know how important music is to me, and much has been said about the importance of music in worship over recent weeks – in a weekly course, in our church services and in magazine articles. It has been all the more poignant for the long absence of music from our worship, and its reintroduction at the end of July … More When is a ‘Performance’ not a ‘Performance’?